Skyscrapers and String

Wednesday Hump Day

Hello everyone!

I am in a very jolly mood today, I went back to work, things there are great fun, I got loads of stuff done and we had Knitting Club. You know I love Knitting Club and the manager at Costa loves us back, he gave us free cake, a nice ginger muffin, it was so yummy!

We sat knitting and laughing and chatting about the funny events in the world. I am making some socks for my lovely Auntie, Russ and Helen were crocheting squares, and we were all looking at our giant collection of preemie hats. We had 26 in the end, which is not bad as we were riding on the back of our huge poppy charity binge. Louise is taking the hats to the premature babies ward at the Royal London hospital on Friday, when she takes her Nipper for his one year check up.


This morning, as I stood at the furthest bus stop, sweating and cursing myself for going back to work, a woman appeared with her three offspring in tow. The smallest one had a whistle, and was trying to play “Jingle Bells” over and over and over and over, using one screeching note. I glared repeatedly at the child and the mother to no avail, apparently no one cares anymore about how their children’s behaviour is appallingly irritating to strangers.

When I got home tonight and told Jon, he suggested I should have taken the whistle and stamped on it. I love him! Wouldn’t it be liberating to just do that!

My place of work is undergoing a lot of change. Some folk think not for the better, I am keen to see what transpires. It is very satisfying to feel happy in myself, and not in fear of change. I know that whatever happens I will be ok.

It’s two years yesterday since I lost my Grandad, and I do miss him still, however I’m ok, my grief no longer provides a cloud across my life. If I wake up in the night, it’s not guilt and regret, it’s just, “wow this bed is soft, I like it here”.

I have a very jolly day in front of me tomorrow, and then it’s the weekend! My pink cardigan is nearly finished. It is such thick aran weight yarn it knits up really quickly.

See, even my cat is relaxed, my germs are clearing, everything is fine. I hope things are good with you all too.


10 Good Things

Hello everyone!

I have caught some germs, and am heading to bed in a bit, but I’ve put in a full day’s work and have not had too bad a time considering I was achey and tired.

Here are 10 good things:

  1. my sewing machine which has been hanging about useless for some time (as I had lost its foot pedal), is now operational! The replacement foot I ordered online arrived today and it fits perfectly! I can now play with it tomorrow and really get to grips with it. Patchwork time! Yaay!
  2. I have three days off
  3. my new coffee machine comes this weekend, I love coffee!
  4. I have some super books to read, and I plan to lie about and read some
  5. there is a stack of baby hats waiting for washing and blocking
  6. Jon has the day off with me tomorrow
  7. my cat is on my lap
  8. I feel great after Pilates last night
  9. my friends baby born 9 weeks early last year is now one year old on Sunday, and I’ve made him a hat and scarf in lovely bright blue wool
  10. there are mince pies in the fridge….

Have a super evening!


A Little Stack Of Hats….
