Skyscrapers and String

Poor Woozle!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well and still working your way through the eleventy chocolate eggs you got given last weekend!

We are getting a bit sick of chocolate now, I think seven huge eggs is a bit too much, even for us lol.

It has been a very complicated week so far. I am trying to have a relax, get a bit of a walk each day, do something creative every day, and do something decluttering/tidying around the house.

Today I took Amber to get her new passport and gave another bag of good things to the local charity shop. I also had a good tidy downstairs. I am very pleased with how things are going!

Also, I have been trying to sort out some improvements to the house with our friendly builder. My original idea was hugely ambitious and not workable as I would have to endure disruption and builders in for a month. I have now come up with a smaller project and am now trying to have a good think about it.

This evening Woozle went to the vets. This is a quarterly event for us as Woozle has eczema and it is a recurring issue since she got older. So now she is on my lap looking cute and poorly after trying to murder the friendly vet and Jon is tired after working all day then doing the vet visit. There is no point me going as Woozle turns into a terrifying crazed devil and there’s no way I’m putting myself through that again!

I have been working on the edging on my silk shawl. It’s coming on so well. I usually do 9 rows of eyelets then a crochet cast off.

After having fresh lemonade at Giraffe yesterday, my mission for tomorrow is to try my hand at a home made version. Will let you know how I get on!



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