Skyscrapers and String

Frantic Tidying To Attain Peace

Hello everyone!

We have eaten three eggs and a packet of cadbury easter egg cakes. Hope you are also surrounded by crumpled foil, torn boxes and have small brown splodges on your tshirt too!

Despite shopping delivery coming Thursday, and me trotting over to Asda for bread and pasta which I’d forgotten yesterday, I then had to go out again when I got in back to the corner shop for Jon’s spices as he was cooking dinner and had used everything up last time (forgetting to let me know). Hmm! Are you seeing a pattern energing here too?

Why is it we are so busy here we are always all in a muddle?

Everything you read advises that muddle is best resolved by decluttering. I think muddle is best resolved by being rich enough to not have to work.

This morning I got up at 7am, and the only reason I am sitting typing to you is because my vast list of weekend chores includes stopping for 5 minutes to paint my nails.

It is good to pair up a dull job with a treat, so my treat for doing the boring mani -pedi is to sit and write to you.

Today so far I have tidied, filed and cleaned and dusted for 4 hours flat. And I’ve only done half what needs doing.

It is not like I let my house go to rack and ruin all week either.

Admittedly just finishing off my last Minion hat this morning has allowed me to focus on my surroundings a bit more. I have had my head down in the yellow Minion wool quite a bit lately!

It is nice to finally stop sewing on eyeballs it must be said!

Ahhh! Breathe! I can now relax a bit!

This morning, I found myself unable to tolerate the ghastly tissue box that had awful slogans typed on it and pictures of women wearing rollers.

So I found my bag of leftover crochet squares from this bag project:


So I sewed them up with some spare grey yarn:


And, Hey Presto! The ugly box became obscured from sight! Yaay!



Once my house is straightened I am sure I will find peace ! Lol!

I Created An Army of Minions!

Hello all!

I hope you’re well and enjoying the Bank Holiday long weekend.

Jon and I already had a fight where I was trying to steal the chocolates out of his Egg and It Was Very Silly, but fun!

You’ve been wondering where I’ve been as I have been invisible blogwise, but let me assure you in Real Life I have been very present, and focussed.

Knitting Club have been organising an Easter Sale for several months and we had a massive table of wonderful knitted goodies.





I made the four Minion hats, we set up our stall in the staff restaurant, and three hats sold straight off, with orders for another 6 on my shift.

Mary took over from me, we had about six club members on each hour long shift, and I think by the end of the day we had 19 Minion hats sold.

So here I am, finishing the last 4 orders, everyone knitted a hat order in the Club, so it wasn’t just me, and it has been a mammoth knit.

We have met every lunchbreak to knit minion hats.


Here I am wearing the one I just finished. Soon I’ll get my life back, we’ve raised about £400 for Macmillan Cancer, which will be doubled by our employers.

I’ll be back soon once I sew up the other three. I dream of freedom!
